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Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) Dominica

This Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) is developed in line with relevant Dominican laws and regulations and relevant World Bank Safeguards Policies. The purpose of the condensed ESMF is to guide in screening of proposed sub projects, identify specific environmental and social risks and impacts associated with the proposed subprojects, establish mitigation measures and how to operationalize, including specific safeguards instruments, principles, organizational arrangements, and design criteria to be applied to meet the needs of the people who may be affected by the various sub-projects. The ESMF, therefore, is prepared to guide and govern the subprojects that are selected for financing and sets out the elements that will be common to all subprojects that will entail mitigation measures.

Read the entire Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) Dominica (PDF, 2,180 KB) document.

Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP)

Dominica is located in the Caribbean island chain of the Lesser Antilles between the two French islands of Guadeloupe to the North and Martinique to the South. Its coordinates, 15º20” N Latitude and 61º20” West longitude, put the island directly in the path of destructive hurricanes. The temperature range from 25 - 28ºC and the rainfall from 1,250 – 7,500 mm. The mountainous interior experiences torrential rainfall whilst the coastal lowlands receive much lesser precipitation. The vegetation is lush and diverse. This island can be said to represent the ideal tourist destination.

The agricultural sector is mainly characterized by banana, plantain, coconut, tree crops and root crop plantations. A wide range of short term vegetables are also featured. These locally grown crops provide the basis for a favourable level of food security, rural employment and the export of products to the Caribbean, North America and Europe.

Read the entire Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) (PDF, 1,159 KB) document.

Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF)

This Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF) is developed in line with relevant Dominican laws and regulations and relevant World Bank Safeguards Policies. The purpose of the IPPF is to guide in screening of proposed sub projects, identify specific environmental and social risks and impacts associated with the proposed sub projects, establish mitigation measures and how to operationalize, including specific safeguards instruments, principles, organizational arrangements, and design criteria to be applied to meet the needs of the people who may be affected by the various sub-projects. The IPPF, therefore, is prepared to guide and govern the subprojects that are selected for financing and sets out the elements that will be common to all subprojects that will entail mitigation measures.

Read the entire Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF) (PDF, 1,527 KB) document.

Posted: 25/01/2019

About Us

The Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) officially launched in September 2014 with the establishment of a Project Coordination Unit (PCU). The PCU is charged with the responsibility of implementing the various activities under the DVRP. It is funded by the World Bank, International Development Association (IDA), Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR), Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) and the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica.

Current Weather

Fair and hazy
30 oC (86 oF)