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Component 1 - Prevention & Adaptation Investments

  • Road Works Eastern Island
  • Construction of Met Office Building
  • Construction of West Coast Water Storage Tanks


Component 2 - Capacity Building & Data Development , Hazard Risk Management

  • ICT Package
  • LiDAR - Total Stations Training
  • Consulting Services for the design, construction and supervision for the rehabilitation of Forestry Propagation Nursery Facilities
  • Hydromet Assessment
  • Characteristics of Tropical Storm Erika - River Surveys
  • Site Identification Assessment - Hydromet Network
  • National Soils Survey


Component 3 - Natural Disaster Response Investments


Contingency Emergency Response Component (CERC)

Following the passage of Tropical Storm Erika on August 27, 2015, Component 3 - Natural Disaster Response Investments - under the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) was triggered upon a Declaration of Disaster Areas by the Honourable Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica and an Action Plan of Activities was prepared to access financing for Emergency Response and Recovery. This component allowed for rapid reallocation of International Development Association’s (IDA’s) Funds during an emergency, under streamlined procurement and disbursement procedures.

USD1 million was budgeted under this Component. Based on the approved action plan of activities, the total amount would be reimbursed to the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica following submission of contracts established between the Ministry of Public Works and Ports and contractors. However, the reimbursement of expenses has not been completed due to non-submission of approved contracts and invoices from the Ministry of Public Works in keeping with the World Bank’s Guidelines for procurement under this emergency component. Due to the demand on financial resources from the State’s consolidated fund, this matter should be dealt with urgently.

By way of information, of the total amount budgeted, forty-six percent (46%) was allocated towards procurement of emergency items including high density polyethylene pipes, tarpaulins, geotextile rolls and safety equipment - namely - reflective and safety cones, caution tapes, reflective lights, traffic signs, ropes and drums. Other items procured consist of sand, aggregate and cement for the creation of temporary road access. The remaining fifty-four percent (54%) was apportioned to small works, clean up and operation of equipment on the West Coast.

This intervention facilitated road access to approximately 20,000 persons along the West Coast. The Project Coordinating Unit of the DVRP through its development partners the World Bank, and Pilot Programme on Climate Resilience (PPCR) continues to fulfill its mandate of reducing vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change impacts in Dominica through investment in resilient infrastructure and improved hazard data collection and monitoring systems.



About Us

The Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) officially launched in September 2014 with the establishment of a Project Coordination Unit (PCU). The PCU is charged with the responsibility of implementing the various activities under the DVRP. It is funded by the World Bank, International Development Association (IDA), Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR), Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) and the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica.

Current Weather

Fair and hazy
30 oC (86 oF)