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Component 1 - Prevention & Adaptation Measures

Component 1 is designed to reduce physical vulnerability and pilot adaptive measures to build resilience to current and future hydro-meteorological shocks. Initially, the Project Appraisal Document (PAD) outlined four (4) main activities, namely:

  • Construction of eight (8) water storage tanks and distribution infrastructure;
  • Rehabilitation of East Coast Roads;
    • Phase 1 - Lot 1 - Bois Diable Junction to Castle Bruce & Lot 2 - Castle Bruce to Hatton Garden
    • Phase 2 - Pont Casse Roundabout to Bois Diable Junction
    • Phase 3 - Castle Bruce to Petite Soufriere
  • Immediate Works Post TS Erika;
  • New Works Post Hurricane Maria - Castle Bruce Bay & San Sauveur

Component 2 - Capacity Building & Data Development, Hazard Risk Management

This Component will support the creation of relevant core data and data collection systems as well as the integration of analytical tools to permit improved decision-making and engineering design for risk reduction and climate change adaptation. The activities under this component will see the development of data collection systems including:

  • Creation of LiDAR high resolution digital topographic and bathymetric model for Dominica;
  • Design and deployment of robust Hydromet network;
  • Design & Construction Supervision of Meteorological Office Building & Associated Civil Works
  • Construction of Meteorological Office Building & Associated Civil Works;
  • Design & Construction Supervision of Forestry Nursery Facility at Pond Casse;
  • Construction of Forestry Nursery Facility at Pond Casse;
  • Installation of Seismic Monitoring Network;
  • National Soils Survey & Mapping;
  • Forest Inventory & Mapping;
  • Training and Technical Assistance for the development and support of the DOMINODE Spatial Data Sharing Platform

Component 3 - Natural Disaster Response Investments

Component 3 facilitates emergency recovery and reconstruction subprojects under an agreed action plan of activities designed as a mechanism to implement Dominica's response to an emergency. This contingent emergency component would be triggered by an official Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica declaration of an emergency, in accordance with the country's laws and policies, following an adverse natural event. A specific Operations Manual would apply to this component, detailing financial management, procurement, safeguards, and any other necessary implementation arrangements.

Component 4 - Project Management and Implementation Support

This Component supports strengthening the institutional capacity for Project Management including:

  • Strengthening the capacity and staffing of the PCU;
  • Preparation of investment designs and tender documents;
  • Preparation of project reports;
  • Processing of contracts and tender evaluation;
  • Coordination of participating line ministries;
  • Supervision of the quality of works;
  • Provision of training of staff of the PCU in project management and implementation support;
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress and results;
  • Carrying out related activities on project management and implementation, all through the provision of technical advisory services, training and operating costs, and acquisition of goods

About Us

The Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) officially launched in September 2014 with the establishment of a Project Coordination Unit (PCU). The PCU is charged with the responsibility of implementing the various activities under the DVRP. It is funded by the World Bank, International Development Association (IDA), Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR), Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) and the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica.

Current Weather

Fair and hazy
30 oC (86 oF)